Name One Genius That Ain’t Crazy


How’s your 2018 going?

Kanye West said, “Name one genius that ain’t crazy, I can’t let these people play me”. A couple of days into 2018 I cried my first tears of the year. My PMP application was audited, and while I submitted my signed experience to them, I got a reply that they closed my application because my experience wasn’t enough. I received the e-mail late at night, while I was studying. I couldn’t help it, I cried and felt defeated.

And then immediately comforted me that everything is going to be okay, it is a minor hiccup that I can fix quickly anyway. It is true, that I have to do some more extra work like freaking reading the application guidelines thoroughly (which I should have done first), but it’s nothing more than that. I need to stay focused.

“You don’t have to turn this into something. It doesn’t have to upset you.” – Marcus Aurelius

Interestingly, the Week 1 reflections on The Daily Stoic Journal included things like “What things are truly in my control?” and “What am I learning or studying for?”, which might seem like basic reflections but these are things we often take for granted. I have to say I feel more relaxed, calm, and light lately. So much of what we hear, read and consume daily are bullsh*t, you have to either cover your nose or learn to live with the smell.

In other news, I finally made perfect poached eggs and I think we should start celebrating these small achievements!

In more Kanye West News

Agree or disagree, Kanye West is a genius and one of the best musicians alive. The video above is about how West’ uses the human voice as the ultimate instrument. #mindblown

The Author

Founder of Mensis Liber and Your Email Boss. Kenna is a full-time program manager, engineer and e-mail marketing expert. She design and code.