All posts tagged: Coding

Learn Web Design


A friend asked for help regarding learning to code and design for the web today. so  I thought I should share more books and tools on Web Design. By the way, I wrote about learning about HTML and CSS before, do check that out. The Best Programming Language There are a lot of programming languages and it’s important you find the one you’re interested in. First, check out this handy tool to know the Best […]


Lists / Personal

One of my favorite courses in uni was Philosophy. It kept me motivated to achieve my engineering degree. I learned a lot from it and listed below are some: Smile Project: You smile at everyone and note down the reaction of each and everyone and what happens next. I realized the power of smiles. Patriarchy: I read a book on patriarchy and its history. It was an old book, “Who Cooked the Last Supper?: The Women’s History of […]

HTML and CSS Basics

Books / Programming

Here are some tools and sites where you can learn and try HTML and CSS, for designing your own websites or just for learning something new. This post has been long overdue, sorry Didi. There are a lot of tutorials and tools in the internet but here are my favorites. Blogs/Websites Lissa Explains it All! – This helped me a lot! It’s a site which aims to teach people, especially children, how to make their own websites. […]