All posts tagged: Responsive

Taking Your Email Design Seriously Pt.2

Email Marketing

In Part 1, I talked about how consistency while being creative is important to make your emails suck less. In this second installment I will talk about fonts, colors and spaces! Top to Bottom It’s important for your recipients to know who the email is coming from (not just abide by SPAM rules). Instill brand familiarity by adding a logo or name on your header and your footer. And don’t forget to include your value-added links […]

Taking Your Email Design Seriously Pt.1

Email Marketing

Whether you own a brick and mortar store or sell completely online, chances are you’ve heard of Email Marketing. If you already have one in place, good for you. If you haven’t, you’re missing out on a lot of sales. Email marketing is more than just increasing your sales, it’s about promoting your brand, building relationships and maintaining them. In this two-part series, I’ll try to cover all the things that will take your emails […]