Iris Apfel x Duro Olowu


“I do things because I love them…If people don’t like it, it’s their problem, not mine…so I’m not going to stress it

It’s much easier to jump into somebody’s pants than to get into somebody’s head.

You really don’t own anything…You’re only here a short time so you kind of rent it, if you think about things that way.

Love is wonderful. I think it’s mutuality, liking the same things, having respect for each other. Sex has something to do with it, but real love is not sex, I think young people today don’t seem to understand anything about relationships, they’re so attached to buttons, and pressing buttons, that they have no time for anything human.”

The Author

Founder of Mensis Liber and Your Email Boss. Kenna is a full-time program manager, engineer and e-mail marketing expert. She design and code.